Thursday 5 November 2015

write for us

There are always moments or dramatic events in our lives that are so incredible one could think "this should be a movie!".

Has this moment ever happened to you? Do you have a fascinating story you believe can change the world? Then you are exactly the writer we are looking for. 

 we are especially interested in true life personal stories told from a raw, honest perspective. Categories under which your story could fall into are, but not limited to:

  • Learn from my Experience - These are first person stories about something unusual, interesting or downright amazing that has happened in your life, that you believe Nigerians could all learn from. 
  • Unpopular Opinion - Something that clearly conveys your stance on a particularly controversial/dicey topic. For example, you don't believe sex should wait till after marriage?  Send your points in and we will publish it for you. Remember, you have to raise a very intelligent argument. Let us challenge the norm.
  • Issues - Do you have a pressing problem and in dire need of urgent advice? Please send us your story now.

frost Blog is not snarky, but inclusive and uplifting, while remaining nothing but honest at all times.

  • How To Send in Your Story

Please send your story, including with a clear, informative headline to

A Few More Tips

- Write like you talk! No forming for example: Don’t say “tangled tresses” if what you really mean is “dirty hair.”

- Be authentic and honest. It helps to always be brutally honest and radically transparent. Don’t fake anything.

- Don’t tear down celebrities, or anyone else for that matter.

- If you would like to send real photographs with your stories, please do. They can only help! We prefer not to use stock photography, headshots, or anything that looks photoshopped or fake. We are looking for clear, colorful photos with your beautiful, unique faces in them!

We can't wait to hear from you, so please send your ideas to us now! -

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